Bay of Quinte Men's Soccer League

Code of conduct

Our club encourages all participants to achieve and demonstrate enjoyment, equality and fair play in Soccer. This Code of Conduct is to highlight the expectations of all participants and is intended to identify behavior that is deemed to be unacceptable and as such is subject to disciplinary actions.

 Refer to the Ontario Soccer Code of Conduct and Ethics available on the Ontario Soccer website at “” for guidance.

 As a participant with the BQMSL, I commit that “On” and “Off” the field, I will:

  • Adhere to the Laws of the Game
  • Display and promote a high standard of behavior and fair play
  • Treat all participants in the same respectful manner as I would want in return.
  • Treat all other participants with respect regardless of ability, gender, disability, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religion etc.
  • Refrain from public criticism of participants and game officials.
  • Refrain from any violent conduct or behavior to include but not limited to Fighting, Spitting, Verbal threats etc.
  • Refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing, or otherwise offensive language.
  • Respect the dignity of others and acknowledge that Verbal or physical behaviors that constitute harassment or abuse are unacceptable.
  • Avoid bullying, intimidation and overall poor behaviour.
  • Acknowledge the BQMSL position within greater community
  • Refrain from consumption of any recreational drugs or alcohol during BQMSL events.
  • Any individual that feels that this code of conduct has been violated is welcome to contact the league executive.

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